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What We Teach
Tai Chi
Qi Gong
Tai Chi is characterized by slow, continuous, circular movements, with an emphasis on internal energy and calm, quiet awareness. On the surface it appears to be a physical exercise, beautiful to watch, very graceful like a dance.
Qigong is the study and practice of nurturing your own life force. The word “qi” is the Chinese term that defines the energy of being. "Gong” is the word that refers to the gradual accumulation of knowledge, skills and/or abilities that are achieved through ones own experience, and years of diligent practice and study.
Bagua utilizes quick and light, circular walking, with large expansive movements. Bagua contains an extremely wide variety of techniques as well as weapons, including various strikes
Considered the most noble and distinguished among weapons. Both men and women can participate on the same levels in mastering the art of the sword, although women especially find the grace of this form appealing.
Push Hands
Pushing hands is said to be the gateway for students to experientially understand the martial aspects of the internal martial arts (內家 nèijiā): leverage, reflex, sensitivity, timing, coordination and positioning.
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